Size of Baby: A mango! The average baby is 6.0 inches long and weighs 8.5 ounces at this point. The last time we saw baby, at 12 weeks the baby was the size of a plum (2.1 inches, .49 ounces). So I can't wait to go in for our ultrasound tomorrow and see how much baby has grown!
Maternity Clothes: I can wear my normal shirts and pants but they are getting more snug. I prefer pregnancy pants but I can go either way on the shirts.
Sleep: I can feel myself getting a little bit more uncomfortable during the night. I feel too hot most of the time and it's not as comfy to be on my back.
Movement: Baby is moving and I'm feeling it more and more. It is such an awesome feeling! I can't wait until Corey can feel it from the outside, too!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Mini-Cupcakes - Yellow w/ homemade chocolate icing. Powdered sugar donuts. Onion dip. Hot dogs. Pickles. Salad.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Mini-Cupcakes - Yellow w/ homemade chocolate icing. Powdered sugar donuts. Onion dip. Hot dogs. Pickles. Salad.
Aversions: The only thing I can think of that grossed me out lately was the thought of taco bell. But I think that is pretty normal.
Symptoms: Nothing new to speak of.
What I miss: Nothing right now, I'm too excited!
What I miss: Nothing right now, I'm too excited!
What I look forward to: Tomorrow! Our big appointment. Finally find out what we are having and then I get to start decorating! I can't wait!
Moods: Good. I have to admit I'm a little nervous. I'm just hoping Baby Granstrand is healthy and happy.
Milestones: umm....I had my meeting at work to talk about my maternity leave time? I don't know if that is a milestone, but it was on my checklist on the Bump. I also think if all goes well this week, Corey and I might get to go do a hospital tour in the next couple of Saturdays! I'm wondering if it might be better to wait until I'm a little bit further along, but we feel a bit like we've been waiting forever for everything, so we are pretty excited to do things like that!
Have a great day! I will be updating soon to let you know what we find out tomorrow!Elizabeth
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