How far along? 16 weeks - I can't believe I'm this far along -- crazy!
I usually try and add a picture taken on Tuesday night. Corey and I have been taking them every week, and usually we are pretty good about taking it on the actual day. I don't have my pic for 16 weeks yet, but take a look at where I was at the end of the day last week (at exactly 15 weeks. That's right -- I took the picture, just didn't do my weekly update).
I usually try and add a picture taken on Tuesday night. Corey and I have been taking them every week, and usually we are pretty good about taking it on the actual day. I don't have my pic for 16 weeks yet, but take a look at where I was at the end of the day last week (at exactly 15 weeks. That's right -- I took the picture, just didn't do my weekly update).
I have no idea what people on the outside of my body think when they see this picture, but to me, it's the first one I've taken where I think I look visibly pregnant in clothing. I've definitely felt it before but haven't seen it look this obvious.
One weird thing I've noticed? I have a relatively small belly in the morning, and by the end of the day, it looks huge. Someone on my bump board said they heard from a doctor in their family that it's because throughout the day the uterus pushes your bowels up in your stomach. Gross. Total weight gain: I'm not totally sure. I think that my scale is off. But I'm pretty sure I've gained a net total or 3-4 pounds since the day I found out I was pregnant (first I lost two to three, then I gained 5 back, I might be up a pound from there)
Maternity clothes?: Definitely wearing them a lot, in part because they are so comfortable, and also because my Mom took my out and bought me some pretty new clothes that all happen to be maternity. I love them. And again, they are SO comfortable. I don't have to wear them yet, but I find myself wanting to.
Sleep: I did have about a week there (my 15th week) where I felt like I was getting the best sleep of my life. I was dead to the world when I was asleep.
I've had two nights in this past week where I've gotten up to go the bathroom three times and gotten up at 3:00 AM and ended up going to the living room and watching a couple of hours of tv before I can make myself fall back asleep. This sucks, in part because I feel like a zombie the next day and also because there is terrible tv on at that time. Nothing at all. I need to work on adding more shows to my DVR routine.
Sleep: I did have about a week there (my 15th week) where I felt like I was getting the best sleep of my life. I was dead to the world when I was asleep.
I've had two nights in this past week where I've gotten up to go the bathroom three times and gotten up at 3:00 AM and ended up going to the living room and watching a couple of hours of tv before I can make myself fall back asleep. This sucks, in part because I feel like a zombie the next day and also because there is terrible tv on at that time. Nothing at all. I need to work on adding more shows to my DVR routine.
Cravings: Mexican food. And Funnel Cake. The search for funnel cake continues. I've been hungry for about it for about a month now, but not desperate enough to make it myself. Corey and I went to a circus last week (that might be a blog of it's own) and they didn't have any funnel cake. We went to my family reunion this past weekend, drove through all of East Texas, and I didn't see one little fair. This is getting ridiculous. As my mom pointed out to me, carnie-folk are able to make this stuff. I should just suck it up and make it myself.
Best moment this week: People were so sweet at my family reunion. Everyone is so excited for us! Also sweet- friends at work have been noticing my developing belly bump and their reactions have been making me laugh.
Movement: I have no idea. Sometimes I really think I've felt the baby move, but it seems a little early. And I haven't really felt the "feather-like" tickle women talk about, it feels more like a pulling or a kicking. It's probably just gas (gross, I know).
Best moment this week: People were so sweet at my family reunion. Everyone is so excited for us! Also sweet- friends at work have been noticing my developing belly bump and their reactions have been making me laugh.
Movement: I have no idea. Sometimes I really think I've felt the baby move, but it seems a little early. And I haven't really felt the "feather-like" tickle women talk about, it feels more like a pulling or a kicking. It's probably just gas (gross, I know).
Gender: We don't know yet. Only 22 more days! I can't wait to find out. I had a dream last night that we found out it was a girl. As I've said numerous times, I've been thinking all along that this is a boy and Corey still thinks it's a girl. We will both be extremely happy either way, it will just be nice to know!
Belly Button in or out? My belly button is still an innie, but it's not as deep. I feel like it looks weird though--like a dent in a volleyball).
What I miss: Sleeping through the night. I have a feeling that is something I won't experience for a few years, unless the pregnancy fairy decides to take pity on me and grant me a few more weeks of unbelievable sleep..
Milestones: Baby is now the size of an avocado. There might be a connection between the size of the bambino and my love of guacamole. Or I could just be addicted to mexican food.
Favorite Moments: Spending time with my family this weekend on our road trip. Spending time with Corey as much as possible. I feel magnetically drawn to him right now, and I have told him that it's because the baby likes to be near him, so he puts up with me being his shadow :)
Have a great day!
Hey - I care when you update your blog! I'm just always reading on Google Reader so it's hard to go in and comment. I will do better - I promise, seester! Take care of that little avocado!
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