Edited to add: My 16 week picture. This is getting to be a bit of a habit (posting the picture from last week for this week). But, well, I never got around to taking my picture for week 17. So this will have to do for now.
I have heard the heartbeat several times in the last few weeks, but I still can't help noticing that I'm not feeling as hungry as I was last week. I'm also not sure if my stomach is as big as it was last week. I know this sounds crazy, and I may just be getting used to a bigger stomach and not realize that it still looks big, but I swear it looks smaller now than it looked last Tuesday. And symptoms going away is supposed to be a sign of miscarriage. I'm so grateful for my home doppler, but I'm still obviously driving myself nuts worrying about the details. I don't know what to do.
Moods: Pretty bad, unfortunately. I think people at work are starting to notice that I have a shorter temper nowadays. I feel bad about this. Also, today I was twenty minutes late to work, I look a hot mess, and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I'm winking at them because one of my contacts is driving me nuts and I keep having to blink to keep it in. Lord, help me get through this day!
I honestly think my mood is less about hormones and more about stress and concern about the baby. Maybe I wouldn't react so badly if I felt better and wasn't so hormonal. Oh, well. Milestones: Baby is the size of an onion! And has their own unique fingerprints! Holy cow!

Medical concerns: See symptoms and what I look forward to above. Nothing of too much concern, but I'm afraid I'm a little bit off my rocker these days.
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? Corey and I booked a babymoon in Frederickburg. I'm so excited! We will be going in November, and it will just be for a couple of days, but I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to shop for my baby, eat lots of good food, and just enjoy some quality time with my husband.
Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm still at around the same weight as last week, so 3 pounds up from where I was at the start of my pregnancy.
Maternity Clothes: Are awesome, but not necessary. I'm still able to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans and tops, but pregnancy pants tend to be more comfortable so I do tend to like going with those. But I'm happy that I can still wear pants with zippers and buttons whenever I want.
Sleep: For the most part, it's better. But I'm still getting up a lot during the night. Last night I had a terrible dream that I wasn't pregnant anymore and someone had taken my baby out while I was asleep and replaced it with a ticking clock. The dopplers (mine and the Doctor's) were picking up the clock ticking and not the baby's heartbeat. Obviously this dream doesn't make logical sense, but it scare the crap out of me and made me wish I had access to an ultrasound machine. I'm pretty sure I'm going to drive myself crazy with worry in the next 15 days. Everyone else treats me like I'm nuts to worry, but I can't help it. Wouldn't any mommy worry about her baby when she isn't able to see them for 7 whole weeks? This feels like torture.
Movement: I believe I have felt movement over the last couple of days. I thought I may have felt something a couple of days ago, but I wasn't sure, and then last night I felt more confident that I was feeling the baby and not gas. We were listening to baby with a doppler, and put headphones on my stomach. I'm not positive baby can hear it, but I think it's possible since s/he is supposed to be able to hear me now. The baby's heartbeat went up, and I thought I felt a little movement on the right side of my lower stomach (under my belly button but not in the pelvis). Then after awhile, I sang to Lil Buns and I definitely felt little flutters of movements. So cool!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Salad! And I've eaten grapes almost every day for a week.
Aversions: Grilled cheese.
Symptoms: Round Ligament Pain. A little bit of swelling in my hands and feet. I've also noticed that my eyes are much more sensitive and I can't get away with wearing my contacts as long (something I'm notorious for) which is apparently something that women commonly deal with during pregnancy. Who knew?
The tailbone pain is much better, my pillow is helping me a lot!Movement: I believe I have felt movement over the last couple of days. I thought I may have felt something a couple of days ago, but I wasn't sure, and then last night I felt more confident that I was feeling the baby and not gas. We were listening to baby with a doppler, and put headphones on my stomach. I'm not positive baby can hear it, but I think it's possible since s/he is supposed to be able to hear me now. The baby's heartbeat went up, and I thought I felt a little movement on the right side of my lower stomach (under my belly button but not in the pelvis). Then after awhile, I sang to Lil Buns and I definitely felt little flutters of movements. So cool!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Salad! And I've eaten grapes almost every day for a week.
Aversions: Grilled cheese.
Symptoms: Round Ligament Pain. A little bit of swelling in my hands and feet. I've also noticed that my eyes are much more sensitive and I can't get away with wearing my contacts as long (something I'm notorious for) which is apparently something that women commonly deal with during pregnancy. Who knew?
What I miss: Nothing right now! I'm just trying to enjoy pregnancy and not focus on "missing out" on anything. I feel very lucky to be me right now :)
What I look forward to: ULTRASOUND! It still feels very far away (scheduled for 15 days from today). I'm having trouble waiting and wondering what the harm would be in going for one at one of those elective ultrasound places. However, I'm trying to exercise self control and just wait. At this point, it's turned into being less about finding out the sex and more about not driving myself crazy worrying about the baby. I have heard the heartbeat several times in the last few weeks, but I still can't help noticing that I'm not feeling as hungry as I was last week. I'm also not sure if my stomach is as big as it was last week. I know this sounds crazy, and I may just be getting used to a bigger stomach and not realize that it still looks big, but I swear it looks smaller now than it looked last Tuesday. And symptoms going away is supposed to be a sign of miscarriage. I'm so grateful for my home doppler, but I'm still obviously driving myself nuts worrying about the details. I don't know what to do.
Moods: Pretty bad, unfortunately. I think people at work are starting to notice that I have a shorter temper nowadays. I feel bad about this. Also, today I was twenty minutes late to work, I look a hot mess, and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I'm winking at them because one of my contacts is driving me nuts and I keep having to blink to keep it in. Lord, help me get through this day!
I honestly think my mood is less about hormones and more about stress and concern about the baby. Maybe I wouldn't react so badly if I felt better and wasn't so hormonal. Oh, well. Milestones: Baby is the size of an onion! And has their own unique fingerprints! Holy cow!

Medical concerns: See symptoms and what I look forward to above. Nothing of too much concern, but I'm afraid I'm a little bit off my rocker these days.
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? Corey and I booked a babymoon in Frederickburg. I'm so excited! We will be going in November, and it will just be for a couple of days, but I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to shop for my baby, eat lots of good food, and just enjoy some quality time with my husband.
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