Size of Baby: a Canteloupe (I'm guessing a small one). An average baby at this point is 10.6 ounces and 6.5 inches. Last week our little baby girl measured at 9 ounces and 8 inches, but that number is including her legs, while these measurements only account for head to rump length. When we get to next week, they start using the measurement that includes the legs as well. It's pretty funny, because it looks like your baby grows 4 inches in one week.
Maternity Clothes: Are great! I'm still happily wearing my normal clothes, too. But I got to admit, by the end of the day wearing my regular jeans, I'm feeling ready for my pajamas.
Sleep: Is good. And my dreams are still torturing me. I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I went into labor in the next few weeks. Ever since I've been running around in a panic trying to get everything in order.
Movement: Baby is a dancing machine! She was moving around like crazy yesterday--I think the amount of sugar I consumed got us both pretty hyper. I think she likes sugar as much as her Mama.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Um, I think I've finally satiated my hunger for sugar for the time being LOL. Right now, I'm feeling hungry for steak and salad. Aversions: None that I can think of right now.
Symptoms: I'm a cleaning and organizing machine! My nesting instinct is going crazy. I'm really obsessed with getting the nursery and guest room in order, getting all of our stuff arranged in the closets that we are keeping, etc. I'm also obsessed with picking out the right bedding and paint color for the nursery. I've rearranged and cleaned my whole desk at work. I also have made about 6 calls today related to scheduling doctor's appointments I've been putting off (not related to baby) and my insurance changing. That's right, it's changing next year just in time for me to have tons of questions and worries related to having a baby with a new plan. This after 4 1/2 years on the same plan. Sigh. Anyway, I think it's clear that I'm hitting that point where I'm really into getting things ready for baby.
What I miss: Nothing! I'm loving pregnancy right now. It really is a sweet spot. Several times over the last week I've told Corey that this is the happiest I've ever been. I feel so lucky to have our little girl on the way!
What I look forward to: There are so many things to look forward to. Right now I'm looking forward to our hospital tour which is probably something we will do a few weeks down the line. I'm also really excited about decorating the nursery. We are having a lot of fun with it!
Moods: Pretty good. I'm in a honeymoon period of pregnancy.
Although...there are definitely moments of hormone-induced rage/bluntness. And for that I apologize to all the people who have been on the receiving end. Especially you, extremely slow and distracted driver who cut me off and pretended not to see me yesterday while we were in traffic. I apologize for honking at you twice. And those hand gestures? I promise it was nothing personal. I was trying to use traffic hand signals, I swear. All of this while driving a car at 65 miles an hour in my kitty-cat get up for work.
Milestones: Corey felt little feather-like movement when baby was kicking me really hard the other day. Or at least he says so. I'm looking forward to when he can really feel her move.
Medical Concerns: I've noticed a few dizzy spells, which the books all say are compeletely normal.
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? I've added a few pictures to the last couple of posts I've made.
And here is another picture of my beautiful daughter. I love her so much already!
And here is another picture of my beautiful daughter. I love her so much already!

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