Size of Baby: A Banana. Really? Cantaloupe to Banana? I'm not sure how that works. The average baby at 21 weeks is 10.5 inches long and 12.7 ounces. So big!
Maternity Clothes: I can still go either way. I'm currently in regular jeans and a maternity top. I got some new maternity shirts from my parents (thank you!) that are really pretty! Love them!
Sleep: Is pretty good, other than my allergies which are getting in the way of very restful sleep. However, I'm absolutely positive that I fall into REM sleep even when I'm asleep for a 30 minute nap. This is DEEP sleep.
Movement: More and more. It's still difficult for Corey to feel, but I have a feeling pretty soon we will be able to feel it from the outside.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Powdered sugar. Chips and salsa.
Aversions: Tomato soup. Gross.
Symptoms: I've noticed some pain in my hips as baby girl moves up and out.
What I miss: Not worrying all the time about everything. I think the worry is here to stay, though. I've never met a Mom that didn't worry LOL.
What I miss: Not worrying all the time about everything. I think the worry is here to stay, though. I've never met a Mom that didn't worry LOL.
Moods: Are pretty up and down. Bless Corey's heart. I'm trying to mellow out, but I tend to get pretty upset about little things. I also cried the other day at the end of Mrs. Doubtfire.
Gender: Baby Girl Granstrand!
a picture of me at 21 weeks pregnant.
This couch is the one Corey was sitting on the first time I met him. It has been through a lot, and since we were literally unable to get it out of the room without doing it, a circular saw was taken to it. I'm trying to focus on the fact that we are making room for baby, but it does make me sad.
But, because of all of Corey's hard work, we are now able to pick out paint colors for the new guestroom and the nursery. After buying about 5 samples, we finally found our paint colors! Woohoo! There will be more updates to come on all of that.
I had a little mini-meltdown on Sunday night, in part because a) I didn't want to go back to work, b) I had to figure out and commit to my insurance plan once and for all and c) I noticed that the crib we had picked out was no longer available to order online and said you couldn't pick it up at any of the stores in the area. Corey, realizing that I would be useless if I tried to go in and talk to someone in the store about it, went in on Monday morning and got ALL of our nursery furniture ordered. It should be ready for us to pick it up at the store in the next 1-2 weeks. I am SO excited about the furniture and grateful for an awesome husband.
Finally, I've had this beautiful nursery bedding/decor that I've looked to as inspiration. I felt like it was just out of our reach financially, so I didn't want to buy it. Until a lady who works at that store (Restoration Hardware) came into Corey's store yesterday with coupons that we could use online (their baby department is only available there) and get a substantial discount. Isn't it funny when stuff like that happens?
The coupon made it a possibility for us to get the bedding --if we bought it there, it would be the same price as the bedding we had picked out elsewhere (Pottery Barn Kids). We have already fallen in love with a bedskirt that I bought last weekend there at Pottery Barn, so we are probably going to stick with that, but we have ordered the rest of the beautiful bedding item from Restoration Hardware. We also bought a little something special for our baby girl to play with, but we are keeping that under our hat for now :)
What I look forward to: So many things! I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'm so excited for our Babymoon--which is THIS weekend! Woohoo!
And I'm so excited to get our rooms painted and all of our orders delivered over the next few weeks and see her nursery come together. It's a wonderful feeling to get to carefully pick out all of the things that will be there and part of her life and her room. I know we will like them, and I hope she will, too!
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? Basically, I want to talk about all of the reasons why my husband Corey is already the best Daddy ever.
We've made a lot of progress on the nursery. Corey has taken care of getting rid of lots of our furniture and other stuff that we are no longer needed--some of it is being sold at a consignment shop, some of it has been donated to Goodwill, and our old couch is going to a dump :(This couch is the one Corey was sitting on the first time I met him. It has been through a lot, and since we were literally unable to get it out of the room without doing it, a circular saw was taken to it. I'm trying to focus on the fact that we are making room for baby, but it does make me sad.
But, because of all of Corey's hard work, we are now able to pick out paint colors for the new guestroom and the nursery. After buying about 5 samples, we finally found our paint colors! Woohoo! There will be more updates to come on all of that.
I had a little mini-meltdown on Sunday night, in part because a) I didn't want to go back to work, b) I had to figure out and commit to my insurance plan once and for all and c) I noticed that the crib we had picked out was no longer available to order online and said you couldn't pick it up at any of the stores in the area. Corey, realizing that I would be useless if I tried to go in and talk to someone in the store about it, went in on Monday morning and got ALL of our nursery furniture ordered. It should be ready for us to pick it up at the store in the next 1-2 weeks. I am SO excited about the furniture and grateful for an awesome husband.
Finally, I've had this beautiful nursery bedding/decor that I've looked to as inspiration. I felt like it was just out of our reach financially, so I didn't want to buy it. Until a lady who works at that store (Restoration Hardware) came into Corey's store yesterday with coupons that we could use online (their baby department is only available there) and get a substantial discount. Isn't it funny when stuff like that happens?
The coupon made it a possibility for us to get the bedding --if we bought it there, it would be the same price as the bedding we had picked out elsewhere (Pottery Barn Kids). We have already fallen in love with a bedskirt that I bought last weekend there at Pottery Barn, so we are probably going to stick with that, but we have ordered the rest of the beautiful bedding item from Restoration Hardware. We also bought a little something special for our baby girl to play with, but we are keeping that under our hat for now :)
What I look forward to: So many things! I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'm so excited for our Babymoon--which is THIS weekend! Woohoo!
And I'm so excited to get our rooms painted and all of our orders delivered over the next few weeks and see her nursery come together. It's a wonderful feeling to get to carefully pick out all of the things that will be there and part of her life and her room. I know we will like them, and I hope she will, too!
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