Total Weight Loss/Gain: According to my scale at home, I'm up 6 or 7 pounds total. I'm interested to see what the scale says when I go to the doctor tomorrow.
Size of Baby: Baby girl is now the size of a large mango according to the interwebs. The average baby is a little over 1 lb at this point! Pretty amazing!
Maternity Clothes: I haven't attempted to put on my regular jeans in over a week. They might still fit, but I'm pretty sure they would be rather uncomfortable to wear throughout the whole day. I do wear lots of my regular pajama/sweat pants at home. Does that count? Oh, okay...probably not. On shirts, I can definitely go either way, but I usually prefer maternity tops because I think they make it more clear that there is a baby in there and not just a few too many big lunches in a row.
Sleep: Is much better. Part of my inability to get anything done for the last few weeks is that I felt so terrible. Allergies were hitting me pretty hard for about 2 1/2 weeks there, but (knock on wood) both Corey and I have felt better for about 3 or 4 days now, so I'm hoping the worst of that is over for the timebeing. So I've been able to sleep pretty soundly, minus a few interruptions for trips to the bathroom over the last few days. It's wonderful!
Movement: Is so lovely. A little distracting at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. She definitely has a pattern of when she moves - usually early in the morning for about 30 minutes (usually between 6 and 8--talk about a great wake up call!), then again in the afternoon at work for about 20-30 minutes. Yesterday it made it a little bit difficult to finish up a call when she was doing the salsa on my organs, but like I said, I love it. She also likes to move a lot in the hours from 6-7 and at night when I'm going to bed. I don't see a direct connection to my eating patterns or anything, I think that is just when she isn't sleeping. Corey feels it more and more from the outside, and it's pretty cute to see his face!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Powdered sugar is still the loveliest thing ever according to my pregnant stomach. I'm hungry for a lot of other very unhealthy things, and I'm looking forward to dressing and the pies that come with Thanksgiving which is now just two days away!
Aversions: I can think of any right now. Food is my friend.
Symptoms: I've had some pretty bad round ligament pain over the last week. I'm not surprised, as I feel like my stomach is expanding rapidly. I'm also experiencing some nasty heartburn, which is putting a damper on my love of eating. Tums help, though!
Symptoms: I've had some pretty bad round ligament pain over the last week. I'm not surprised, as I feel like my stomach is expanding rapidly. I'm also experiencing some nasty heartburn, which is putting a damper on my love of eating. Tums help, though!
What I miss: I'm trying to think of the best way to word this, but I'm not sure I know how. I've always been pretty emotional. I'm a little annoyed that people are now blaming my pregnancy hormones for my getting annoyed/mad at them when they do insensitive things. Newsflash --don't be rude or do stupid things and I won't get annoyed with you.
Exception to this rule - Corey and my immediate family. Sometimes I get upset with them over stupid stuff that isn't there fault. This is mainly referring to some really annoying people that I work with that have always been pains to deal with for everyone else in the work place.
Gender: Baby Girl Granstrand
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? Corey and my Dad got the guest room and the nursery painted over the last week. I love the color in the guest room! It turned out a beautiful pale blue. The nursery, which was supposed to be a beautiful shade of light gray? Turned out to be a beautiful different shade of light blue. I feel a little bit guilty, but some more work is needed it to get it looking right. Corey is going to see if adding another coat in one area makes a difference, and if so, they will just add another coat. Otherwise, we will go back to the store and see what we need to buy to get it looking gray. We just want it to look perfect when Baby Girl gets here!
We got the furniture for the nursery and it looks beautiful! Uncle Cam was awesome and helped Corey with picking it up at the store and carrying the heavy boxes into the garage where they are going to stay for now. Once we get the paint color figured out and on the walls, the other furniture in the nursery moved into the guest room, and the carpet cleaned in all of our bedrooms, we will move the furniture inside and get the crib put together. I'm looking forward to that!
We also got the bedding for her, and it is beautiful! It includes some personalized pieces, and I just can't wait to see how everything looks once it's put together!
I find myself worrying that I will never find the right paint color, that I will pick the wrong glider and it will look bad in our nursery, etc. I'm second guessing myself on those things, but I'm glad I like all of the big things we have purchased so far. Paint is a pretty easy fix (even though I feel bad because I'm not allowed to help with fixing it).
We also got the bedding for her, and it is beautiful! It includes some personalized pieces, and I just can't wait to see how everything looks once it's put together!
I find myself worrying that I will never find the right paint color, that I will pick the wrong glider and it will look bad in our nursery, etc. I'm second guessing myself on those things, but I'm glad I like all of the big things we have purchased so far. Paint is a pretty easy fix (even though I feel bad because I'm not allowed to help with fixing it).
What I look forward to: I'm looking forward to my appt w/ Dr. O tomorrow. My mom is coming with me! I'm also looking forward to getting off of work tomorrow at Noon and then plan to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family and all of the wonderful food!
I'm hoping to get some shopping done this weekend. We've got a good start on Christmas shopping, but still have a lot more to do. I really hope to get all of my shopping done by December 5, so I can really just enjoy the Christmas season and not feel the need to run around like a chicken with my head cut off right before Christmas.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
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