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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Baby is a Power Ranger!

Well at least s/he looks like one! We had our NT scan today and although I got really nervous right before the ultrasound, everything went very well. They measured the fluid behind the neck on our baby at 0.90 mm, and according to what I've read, they get concerned/have to do follow up testing on anything that measures 3.0 mm or higher. So we are feeling very blessed right now. The baby is stinking adorable. At first, the baby was a little difficult and I could tell that the ultrasound tech was frustrated because she couldn't get baby's measurements. But then, at a certain point, the show began. S/he has frog legs that danced around. S/he had her hands up like she was doing the wave. And then, towards the end, baby turned completely around and their face was on the screen. Well, it was kind of a face. It's not a 3D ultrasound, so the bones are the most prominent. So the baby looks like they are wearing a power ranger mask. See? GO GO Power Rangers!
I asked at a certain point if she had a guess as to the sex, but she wasn't willing to guess. I think I got a good view of the crotch at one point and I have to say, I have no idea. I've heard about the angle of the dangle theory, but I couldn't really tell anything. I'm obviously really good with anatomy because at one point I asked Corey what something was, thinking it might be a penis, and he said it was the baby's leg. Oh, well. I think I've got Corey convinced that we need to go for an ultrasound at one of the 3D places.

Other than that? After our ultrasound was done, I had to wait about 45 minutes for someone to finally come out and get me so I could get my finger stuck, and the girl then squeezed my finger like it was a lemon for about 10 minutes to get 5 full circles of blood for the paper. Anyway, we should be getting those results back in a week to 10 days, but I'm not super worried.
Over the next week or so, we are planning to tell the rest of the world about Lil Bun. First we want to tell our Grandmas and then some other close family members that we still haven't told. I'll be telling my closest work friends on Saturday (which will be fun) and then I'll be announcing at work next week (which I'm not looking forward to). Then the Facebook announcement will be put out into the world if I have guts to go ahead with it.

For now, I'm feeling so blessed and enjoying the short time we have left with this being a secret that few people know about.

Happy Wednesday!


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