
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

October 26 - a day I cannot wait for!

Corey and I had a great appointment with Dr. O today. Everything is moving along well, and we are going in for our next appointment in 5 weeks. We will have our anatomy scan (to find out if Lil Buns is a boy or a girl) on Wednesday, October 26. I will be 19 weeks and 1 day pregnant.
Corey and I have already decided if we have a little boy we want to get a onesie that says "The Dude Abides" (we love the Big Lebowski). We don't really want to get that for a little girl, lol. I've already decided that if we find out we are having a baby girl, I'm going to buy this painting for her room.
I have known from the beginning of this journey that the reality of this pregnancy and how it is going to change our lives will not fully hit me until we find out if our Lil Buns is a boy or a girl. I'm not sure exactly why that is, but it does make it feel more real.
It's interesting from a psychological and sociological standpoint (my major and minor in collge respectively) to look at how important it is in our culture (and really all cultures across the world) to find out a child's sex. I remember taking an infant development class in college that talked about how people hate not knowing, often pressuring parents to find out the sex before birth. They hate calling a baby an "it" or "s/he".
A very popular current trend is to have a "gender reveal" party, and invite friends and family over to eat cake and if the inside of the cake is blue, you are having a boy, if it's a girl, the cake is pink. An alternative option if you aren't into cake (weirdo) is to have a big box and open it and the color of the balloons hidden inside indicates the baby's gender. Or you could do it Duggar style and have a small plane fly over your house with smoke flying out in the shape of the boy or girl symbol (seriously?).

All of that hullaballoo is a little much for me and Corey. I feel like I'm making a big deal of it/drawing enough attention to myself by inviting my sister and mom to come with us to the ultrasound. But to each their own.
But getting back to the whole topic of it, isn't it amazing that people have entire parties to celebrate/announce whether their baby has a taco or a hot dog? (By the way, those are the technical medical terms) And I'm honestly not making fun of them for doing it. I totally get it. Like I said, the whole baby thing is going to seem a lot more real to me once I know if it is a boy or a girl. The not knowing, the undefined baby in my tummy, feels like a big question mark. Once I know, I feel like I will be able to fully invest, to really get into the daydream of it, and picture our little family.
One thing that is interesting to me after taking so many classes on the topic when I was in school is the preference people have for using the term "gender" over "sex." People use them interchangeably, but it seems most people prefer to talk about gender (I guess sex is too dirty of a word).
Not to be Ms. Politically Correct, but in reality, those going for an anatomy scan aren't really finding out the gender. That is really defined by society. It is a completely different thing to be genetically female and a woman. The genetically female part is about whether you have a vagina. The gender part of it is really about an individual's personality and/or the gender role that they assume.
Think about it--it would be really weird if you went out and bought a Barbie Doll the minute you found out you were having a little boy. Because most little boys don't like to play with Barbies. So really, we are finding out the sex so that we can then go about definining the baby's gender with all of this stuff. Which is really the fun part and totally normal.
But, if you do go with all pink everything for a girl or decide to decorate a boys room with cars, don't be surprised if your little girl ends up being a tomboy or your little boy ends up loving Barbies. Because kids love to break the rules and challenge you. And that is why having kids makes you a better person.
By the way, I totally talk about the baby's gender all the time. I also sent an invite to my mom and sister for our baby's gender reveal. So obviously, I follow my own advice.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We told everyone!

I'm pretty sure that over the course of 9 weeks, I had convinced myself that once we told the world that we were expecting, something bad would happen.

I'm a fairly private person (read: I will not be having a party with refreshments in the labor room while I'm birthing a baby) and I hate people worrying about me. So, the idea of having everyone know that I'm pregant worried me. Whenever I would think about the topic of announcing our pregnancy, I felt overwhelmed.

This is where my train of thought went:

As soon as I tell people, I will have a miscarriage and then have to untell people. Pretty much the worst case scenario. I couldn't stand the thought of this, but I couldn't stop thinking it. Which led me to think that...

We just won't tell anybody. It will be awesome! I'll just keep getting bigger and bigger and avoiding the topic altogether. We will have this secret and people will look at me and want to ask but then I will give them my deathstare. I will ignore anyone who has the balls to ask. But then, what if I run into someone from work while I'm shopping at Target and I have a bunch of baby stuff in my cart? I guess I can't go the whole 40 weeks without telling everyone.

Can I just avoid the topic on Facebook? Would that be terrible? But what if people start commenting on my page about it? Then my sweet great aunt will be hurt that she doesn't know and my ridiculous coworker does. This won't work.

So I guess we have to tell people. But when? I like having a secret. Let's try and hold out as long as possible.

This thought went out the window when I read on my March Bump board about all of the people who were announcing their pregnancies to their families and friends and coworkers. I started wishing that I could talk about it at work without having to isolate my friends that know. I started wishing that I could wear some of my clothing options that aren't the most flattering and everyone would know "She's not just fat, she's pregnant!" (well, at least those that know me. It's not like the random people at Target or the ACL festival know I'm pregnant. I'm pretty sure they just think I ate too much.)

So...we shared it with the world. And...the world didn't stop. My body didn't immediately go into reject-baby mode.

First, we called our grandmothers. Corey and I both have one grandmother and we called them both, and they were excited. I also called my Aunt who I'm closest to. Then, Corey sent an email out to his extended family. Everyone was so sweet and thrilled for us.

Next, I told my bosses at work. They were really excited and supportive. The next day, I announced it to the rest of my office. I was a little nervous. When one of us is out of the office, that means more work for everyone else. I had convinced myself that some people would be mad at me for leaving more work for them to deal with while I'm out on Maternity leave. So I sent my email (the best way to communicate with all of the people in my office at once) and waited . Then, I heard the sweet sounds of people reacting -- lots of oohs and ahhs, and then I got a barrage of emails and instant messages and people coming over to my desk to congratulate me. I realized that it felt really good to have everyone know. It's nice to have it as a secret, but it also feels really good to be out in the open.

When I got home that day Corey and I both posted on Facebook to announce our pregnancy with a picture of Lil Bun. Pressing the post button felt really nervewracking. But we experienced the same thing again--everyone was so sweet and happy for us.

Now I'm not so sure why I was so worried about in the first place. It seems like the silliest thing to want to keep it a secret or be worried that I will have a health issue because I told everyone. But I'm hoping you won't all think I'm crazy for sharing my feelings on the experience.

It feels good to come out with it! I've had this song in my head ever since we told everyone--I'm not sure exactly what it's about - it may be about being gay and coming out of the closet, or it may just be about going out on the town and having a good time. But it has a special meaning for me now and it makes me happy.

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show


14 Weeks!

 (Picture of me cupping my food baby above)
Total Weight Loss/Gain: Still down 2 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I still don't really need them yet, but I have noticed that my stomach is growing. It definitely has something to do with the baby, and a lot to do with the amount I've been eating lately. I'm not sure if it's apparent yet to the outside world-it probably just looks like I've eaten a whole pizza by myself (which I've totally done).
Sleep: It's not great. But my snoogle helps :)Movement: None yet.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Fried Chicken. Icees. Bananas. Pickles. Everything!
Aversions: I'm not really into peanut butter right now. I think I've eaten too much of it.
Symptoms: I've been feeling like I have a lot more energy, but lately I've had a lot of late nights/long days. I will think I'm doing fine and suddenly, boom, I'm just done for. Completely pooped. It hits me much more suddenly.
What I miss: Having lots of energy!
What I look forward to: We have an appointment with Dr. O tomorrow! I'm looking forward to that.
Moods: I've discovered that sometimes, I'm completely unreasonable. I don't know if I can blame all of this on the hormones associated with pregnancy, but I honestly feel like I can't control it. There are times when I just need to suck it up and do something, but I just can't find the energy or the patience to do it. This does not bode well for my future. And I feel bad for my loved ones and/or the people I talk to at work. Sorry, everyone!
Milestones: Baby is now a lemon. Let's make lemonade! Also, baby can now wiggle their toes, which is a very important skill in my eyes. Whenever I get excited about anything, I wiggle my toes. Also, my baby can now pee and might be peeing right now inside my uterus. That's really gross.
Medical concerns: Nothing really! Feeling pretty good. I have some pain in my tailbone, I'm not sure what that's about, but I'm planning to ask the doctor about it tomorrow. Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? Baby went to his/her first concert this weekend. We went to the Austin City Limits Music Festival on Sunday, and we saw an assortment of artists. Baby G's favorite (and mine) was Fleet Foxes. They played all of my favorite songs and it was just beautiful! Also, Arcade Fire was Sooo good! Lots of fun!
Since last week, when we told the world I'm pregnant, I've noticed that people ask some weird questions. My favorite---was this planned? Um, I'm not exactly a teen mom. Corey and I have been married for over 4 years. What do you think? And even if it was an accident, how is that any of your business?
But, now that we've told everyone, we have gotten some really sweet, very kind comments from people who are really excited for us. We feel very lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!
Finally, we got a home doppler last week and we are so happy we got it! It is so reassuring to hear baby's heartbeat whenever we want. If you are a worrier like me and become pregnant, I highly recommend investing in one- they are fairly inexpensive for how comforting they are.

Friday, September 16, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

There are some things, people and activities that make life better just by being a part of it. Today, I'm going to talk about some of my favorite things in life. Because these are my favorites, Lil Buns will be exposed to all of them a lot when they are young. By the time s/he is a teenager, I'm pretty sure they will be embarrassed by/hate these things. And maybe, if I'm lucky enough, by the time Baby Granstrand becomes an adult (scary!) they will think they are amusing and fun again.

These are a few of my favorites things. 1) I love the Golden Girls. I think most girls like this show. But I watch it all the time and have for years. Something about it is comforting. It's very funny and well written. Sometimes it is a little bit risque, as are most things on TV. I don't think Baby G. will be watching any TV for awhile, except maybe Sesame Street/Dora, etc.
2) I love elephants. A lot. Always have, always will. When I was little I think I learned that Elizabeth started with an E, which is the first letter of the word Elephant, and that was when I first started to like them (I was like, 2). Then, I watched Dumbo (the movie) and Dumbo's Circus (the awesome television show that nobody else remembers except me, my parents, and Corey ). And then, it just became my thing. They are always my favorite animals at the zoo, they are super smart and loving, they have great memories. What's not to love? I've actually adopted an elephant at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (you can too!) named Naipoki. She fell into a well twice and got separated from her family/pack so now she is being fostered by this great place. She has lots of little elephant friends and she is totally adorable. I keep her picture (see above) up on my desk at work. It makes me happy.
3) I love to do ridiculous dances. In my home. At friends or family members' homes. I don't typically walk around the grocery store dancing, but I have been known to bust some sweet moves in my car. In my opinion, you don't have to be good, no techique necessary, you just need to be smiling and having a good time. A lot of my dancing involves bouncing up and down (I'm trying to slow my roll on that now that I'm "with child"). Lots of wild arm movements (think Thriller) are involved. But mostly it's just about moving my hips and head side to side. Life is just better if you dance through it.

4) I don't care what anyone says. Nothing is more calming and silmultaneously exciting than a trip to Hobby Lobby. Ironically, I always find myself wanting to go there on Sundays (the day they are closed). I don't always have to buy something (although I usually do). I'm not even a particularly crafty person-most of my friends are much more craft-worthy than I am. But I love holiday decor more than anyone I know (other than my mother-in-law and maybe my sister). And Hobby Lobby always has great deals on adorable things. I love this store. 5) I love to sing in the car. I'm pretty flexible on the song and/or artist, although you will never find me singing along to AC/DC (I detest AC/DC). Some of my favorite songs to sing along to are (in no particular order):

  • Anything by Journey/Steve Perry. Surely this needs no explanation. And I've been listening to a lot of Journey lately, so I'm pretty sure Baby G's going to come out of the womb singing "Who's Crying Now" (and then crying). I know it's kind of cliche to like Journey but sometimes things are cliche because they are absolutely factual. It is a fact of life that Journey is awesome and Steve Perry's voice is better than everyone else's.

  • Adele. I listen to a lot of Adele. And I sing along at full blast. Sometimes Corey looks over at me and just says "it's not good". Did I mention I do this with other people in the car? Poor Corey. It's not that I think I sound 1/10th as good as Adele, it's just that I like to sing and I honestly feel like I sound better by the end of the song.

  • "Where the Streets have No Name", "With or Without You", "Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2. These are three songs that make me feel powerful when I sing them. I love to sing them, sometimes I shed a tear while singing them, they make me feel better after singing them. Bono knows what he's doing. And if I'm alone in my car, I'm totally not above playing air guitar with any of these songs (don't judge).

  • Anything by Laura Marling. This is my favorite indie/folk singer, and I love her. I love to pretend I can sing like her. I love to make silly moony faces while singing like her. Yes, I'm aware I'm a total nerd.

  • 80's/early 90's country music. I don't really discriminate in this category, although I do prefer a song by The Judds, Keith Whitley, Lorrie Morgan, Tanya Tucker, Reba McEntire or George Strait. I especially enjoy ballads like "Something in Red" "The Last to Know" "Two Sparrows in a Hurricane" and "Love can Build a Bridge". They may be corny and silly, but they are the most fun to sing in the car other than...

  • Katy Perry. I like singing along with most songs by her, but my favorites are "Teenage Dream" "Waking up in Vegas" and "Firework". These songs are just so damn catchy. I love them.

  • Last but not least, of course when "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen comes on, you have to belt it out. Head banging is most likely involved.
    I know that there are people who look at me in my car, belting it out, and think "what an idiot." But it's fun and it gets me through my drive home from work everyday. At least I'm not putting on mascara, right?
    6) I also love making up parodies. I'm no Weird Al. In fact I'm pretty terrible. I did make up an awesome parody of "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole called "The Breakfast Song" when I was like 13 (the beginning of my parody writing career, I guess). It starts out "Bacon roasting on an open fire, pancakes nipping at your nose." (TM Elizabeth Granstrand, 1997) As you can tell, a total winner.
    Also, Corey and I call each other Bunny all the time. It sounds really cutesy, but there is actually a long story behind it (I really wanted a Bunny as a pet for a long time). For a long time, one of the ways we've tried to make each other laugh is by singing current songs and replacing a lot of words with bunny-related things (i.e., carrots, hopping, cottontails). We are giant dorks, but it's fun and it always makes us laugh. Our kid will probably disown us for this. 7) Even more embarassing? I like to impersonate certain singers. Almost all of them are male. Which is pretty funny when you take into account that I have a very high girly voice. My most famous impersonation? Michael McDonald. My friend Meredith and I are famous for this. I'm not even sure how or when it started. But it is one of our specialties. To this day, every birthday, we call and sing Happy Birthday to each other in Michael McDonald styles. It's amazing!

My new favorite impersonation is Randy Newman. He has such an easily mockable voice, and I especially like singing Short People. Corey gets a kick out of it.

All of these things, collectively, make me who I am. They are part of what makes me happy. I hope that I won't completely embarass my child. But I also hope I don't stifle who I truly am in an effort to be the "cool mom". Nothing is more uncool (TM Jennifer Aniston, 2009) than trying to be the "cool mom". And honestly, I've never been cool in my life. Things I've been called: a good friend, funny, weird, interesting and entertaining. Never cool. And I've always been okay with that. But I don't want to be a total nerd either.

I also don't want to be a mom who constantly feels the need to perform around her child and their friends. My goal is to try and be quiet about these things around my child while we are in public and then annoy the hell out of my kid around the house/in my car by being wonderfully weird me. And I'm totally going to make them go to Hobby Lobby with me.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

13 Weeks!

 So exciting!
Total Weight Loss/Gain: Still down 2 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I don't really need them yet, but as you can see in my last post, I went ahead and bought some. And I have to admit, I've worn the jeans quite a bit, because they are so darn comfortable.
Sleep: Ugh, I'm still having the most ridiculous, horrible dreams. A couple of nights ago I had a dream that involved characters from Mad Men and Wrestlers from my youth (the 80s) battling to the death. It all took place in a movie theatre. I don't know how my brain puts these things together, but it's weird.

Also, a lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. That is hard on me and Corey.
Movement: None yet.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings- Grapes, Biscuits, Tilapia, Corn.
Aversions- Syrup. Gross.

Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good these days, the problems with sleep are the main issues I'm dealing with.
What I miss: Lunch Meat.
What I look forward to: Everything! Anatomy scan, which is supposed to be 7 weeks from now, but I'm hoping we will get a sneak peek. But really, I'm just so excited about being in the 2nd Trimester and having so much fun stuff ahead!
Moods: Pretty good! I'm feeling much more in control of my emotions!
Milestones: Baby is a peach! And is developing vocal chords! Also, a lot of people consider this to be the first week of the 2nd Trimester, so that's kind of awesome!

Medical concerns: None! I'm feeling great, and we got the blood results back from the first screen that they do with the NT scan, and everything looked good. We are feeling so lucky. For someone who has dealt with so many health issues throughout my life, I'm pinching myself that everything has been going so well.
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? We have been doing a lot of research on baby paraphernalia. First of all, holy crap, everything is expensive! Second of all, there are so many options! The most exciting thing? We have found a stroller that Corey and I agree on and love! It's the City Mini by Baby Jogger. We are in love with it and I can't wait to be scooting around with Baby G in it!
Also, this week I'm letting my workplace know and we are making it really official by announcing it on Facebook. Pretty scary, but I'm looking forward to having it out there and being able to talk about it. I've already told my bosses and my closest friends at work and they were all very sweet and excited!
Also, I want to share this picture of me with my crazy cat Ally. She and Strut always like to be a part of the photo shoots!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Adventures in Shopping: The Maternity Clothes Edition

So yesterday, Corey and I decided to brave the mall to go look at baby furniture at JCPenneys. I don't know where I thought they had there magical furniture room, but I didn't even check to see if they would have samples in the store. I just assumed and asked Corey if he wanted to go take a look. Pregnancy brain strikes again--we got there and they explained they don't have any baby furniture in the stores, it's all online/in the catalogs.

I'm a big fan of online shopping for a lot of things, but furniture is not one of them. It scares me to buy something that large and expensive without feeling the weight of it first, seeing if I like the color of it in person, etc. So I think we will be going with something we find in a store unless we come across some great deal in another way.
But the trip to the mall wasn't a total bust. First of all (and most importantly in my mind!) Soft Pretzels! Second of all, Corey had surprised me by saying we should look for some clothes and/or a purse for me. My husband is the best!

So after a disappointing trip to JCPenneys and a delicious trip to Auntie Anne's, we walked around aimlessly trying to find the Motherhood Maternity store. I think they have moved it, but I honestly don't know for sure, because when would I ever have been shopping in there before? We happened upon it at the exact opposite end of the mall of where I thought it was.

At this point, I don't really need maternity clothes. I'm still fitting in my jeans fine, and I have plenty of flowing tops that seem to cover up my food/bloat baby (which is really what it feels and looks like at this point) without anyone noticing (or at least they aren't mentioning it if they do).

The picture below was taken right at 12 weeks (please ignore the overall grossness of my appearance as this was taken at the end of my first day back at work after 4 glorious days off. I definitely had to take a nap when I got home).

So yeah, I'm doing okay with my regular flowy tops and my "fat" jeans (every girl has them). But I'm kind of concerned that one day I'm going to pop and then I'm not going to be able to fit into anything and have a momentary freakout. So in order to avoid that, it is good to be prepared and have some clothes I can wear when I'm ready.

So we entered Motherhood Maternity. I was afraid that once I walked in I would get the side eye for not really looking like I belonged. But once I started looking around, I went into shopping mode and holy crap, there are some really cute maternity clothes! Motherhood Maternity is a little expensive for me to shop at exclusively, but I think I will definitely go back and buy more stuff there.
More, you ask? You better believe I bought something! They were having a buy one get one half off shirt special and a deal where you earn money to come back and spend later in the month. I'm always a sucker for that kind of deal, so I bought 2 shirts and a pair of jeans.
And I've heard many ladies rave about the awesome maternity jeans. I've always been puzzled by this. I've always found jeans buying to be a difficult process, and I absolutely despise buying jeans when I'm up a size or two. But now, I get it. I have seen the light. Maternity jeans are a gift from above. NO BUTTON. NO ZIPPER. And they come in the following sizes - Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large (they also have them separated by length as petite, regular and long). So I got my regular medium jeans in a suitable wash and tried them on. They pull on like pajama pants. They are stretchy, so they will grow with my ever-expanding hips and waist. They have a band at the top for your belly, but for now I'm just folding that over. And they are SO comfortable.
I had fun trying on all of the clothes. I ended up with the magic jeans and two short sleeved shirts (one with stripes, another is a solid brown). There were a lot of clothes that I tried on that I liked enough to buy. With each item I tried on, I would try it on see how it fits as I am now; then I would slide in the fake belly pillow they have in the dressing room (it supposedly adds on 3 months to your belly size) and see what I looked like then.
Sidenote: It's funny, when I saw the fake bump pillow hanging in the dressing room, I wondered if that is where soap characters like Nicole get the fake bump so they can fake a pregnancy. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you've never watched Days of Our Lives. I have to admit, I was really excited to see what I looked like with a baby bump. I still don't feel like I really know yet. The pillow they had in the dressing room was fairly lumpy, but you get a general idea of how things will fit. Corey got a kick out of seeing me with the fake bump on. He took a picture.

It was just amazing to see how clothes that are made for it can really stretch. It makes me wish that they made average women's clothing to stretch like that. Becuase we all know that there are some days where we could use the extra room, even if you aren't 3 months pregnant.
Anyway, I had so much fun shopping with my hubby, and now I have a coupon to go back from more at the end of the month. I'm currently wearing the maternity jeans and I'm loving the way they feel.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Baby is a Power Ranger!

Well at least s/he looks like one! We had our NT scan today and although I got really nervous right before the ultrasound, everything went very well. They measured the fluid behind the neck on our baby at 0.90 mm, and according to what I've read, they get concerned/have to do follow up testing on anything that measures 3.0 mm or higher. So we are feeling very blessed right now. The baby is stinking adorable. At first, the baby was a little difficult and I could tell that the ultrasound tech was frustrated because she couldn't get baby's measurements. But then, at a certain point, the show began. S/he has frog legs that danced around. S/he had her hands up like she was doing the wave. And then, towards the end, baby turned completely around and their face was on the screen. Well, it was kind of a face. It's not a 3D ultrasound, so the bones are the most prominent. So the baby looks like they are wearing a power ranger mask. See? GO GO Power Rangers!
I asked at a certain point if she had a guess as to the sex, but she wasn't willing to guess. I think I got a good view of the crotch at one point and I have to say, I have no idea. I've heard about the angle of the dangle theory, but I couldn't really tell anything. I'm obviously really good with anatomy because at one point I asked Corey what something was, thinking it might be a penis, and he said it was the baby's leg. Oh, well. I think I've got Corey convinced that we need to go for an ultrasound at one of the 3D places.

Other than that? After our ultrasound was done, I had to wait about 45 minutes for someone to finally come out and get me so I could get my finger stuck, and the girl then squeezed my finger like it was a lemon for about 10 minutes to get 5 full circles of blood for the paper. Anyway, we should be getting those results back in a week to 10 days, but I'm not super worried.
Over the next week or so, we are planning to tell the rest of the world about Lil Bun. First we want to tell our Grandmas and then some other close family members that we still haven't told. I'll be telling my closest work friends on Saturday (which will be fun) and then I'll be announcing at work next week (which I'm not looking forward to). Then the Facebook announcement will be put out into the world if I have guts to go ahead with it.

For now, I'm feeling so blessed and enjoying the short time we have left with this being a secret that few people know about.

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

12 weeks!

Total Weight Loss/Gain: Back down to 2 pounds lost. But I'm eating like a horse and I feel fatter. And I saw a picture taken of me from the side at a birthday party for my friend's daughter and I think I look 5 months pregnant, but that probably would have been the case before I was pregnant, too. Gotta love the camera!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet. I do feel like I need to be wearing maternity pants by the end of the day, but I think that is mostly related to feeling bloated.
Stretch marks: Not yet.
Sleep: Is still filled with weird dreams, but I love it. Dr. O said it would be fine for me to take Benadryl, but I'm trying not to take it unless I'm really feeling stuffy. I've taken it twice in the last week and it seems like it quiets the dreams. Some of the dreams I've had lately: Corey went to prison and I had to go through all of pregnancy alone. I don't remember what he went to prison for, but I think it's probably related to us watching Sons of Anarchy. Also, I dreamed that I got into a big fight with one of my close friends who also happens to be my boss and she fired me on the spot. These dreams are not fun.
Movement: Not yet.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings- Chips and Salsa. Unfortunately I'm also craving a sandwich with lunch meat which is off limits.
Aversions- Sausage. Gross.
Gender: Don't know yet, too early. I think it's a boy, Corey thinks it's a girl. I keep having dreams that the baby is a girl, though.
Symptoms: I am obsessed with feeling my stomach all the time because each day I can feel my uterus moving further up because it's running out of room in my pelvis. This is exciting, because I'm looking forward to looking pregnant and not just pleasantly plump.
What I miss: Lunch meat. And not worrying about having a coke.
What I look forward to: NT scan tomorrow! And reaching the second trimester! According to Dr. O, I've reached the Second Trimester today. According to the girls on the Bump, I won't reach the 2nd Trimester until 13 weeks, 3 days or 14 weeks. Every book I have has a different answer for when the 1st Tri ends. This is awfully confusing for a girl who cannot remember how old she is most days. So, although What to Expect tells me otherwise, I'm going with Dr. O. Because I would like to consider myself done with the 1st Tri!!
Moods: Very emotional.
Milestones: Baby is the size of a plum! And the whole 12 weeks thing is a pretty big deal. Medical concerns: None to speak of. Feeling pretty good.
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? I don't know if the whole nesting thing goes in phases, but this week I didn't really feel like getting out much. I spent a lot of time at home and made a "nest" out of my bed over a couple of days for the three day weekend. It was awesome. I'm not feeling the complusive need to clean yet, though. I keep waiting on that to kick in.
Also, I made my mother-in-law a visor with her Grandma name (Gamma). She is a big fan of visors and I thought it would be nice for her to have it. It looks a little bit homemade (the stupid letters would not stick!) But I think she will like it.
I'm hoping I will be able to do more blogging this week, last week was super busy. Here's my picture taken at 12 weeks!