Yesterday, I turned 27. I've been ready for it. But that number sounds so adult. I know logically that I'm an adult. I'm married--have been for years. I've also been a home-owner and a responsible employed person for several years. I don't know why I still feel so young. But I honestly feel about 17 on most days. Maybe baby will change that, and if so, I can't think of a better reason to grow up. But I hope that I will still hold onto at least some of things that make me feel so young at heart and pass them down to our little nugget.
Here are some of the lessons that I've learned along the way that I can't wait to share with our baby girl.
1) Dance. Always, always dance like nobody is watching. Your life will absolutely be better if you dance around the kitchen while putting up the dishes and do some boogying in the car while you are stuck in traffic.
2) Take joy in rituals. Whether it be family traditions, story time at night, or writing in a journal, it is a special treat to create a routine and make something a priority if it means a lot to you.
3) Never be afraid to take a chance and put yourself out there. Even if it doesn't end up how you'd like, you'll be much more likely to regret not trying something than trying something and knowing it didn't work out.
4) Be silly and laugh as much as possible throughout the day.
5) Make it a point to travel as much as possible. Even if you don't have a lot of money or time, take a quick trip a couple of hours away and you will feel better.
Don't be afraid of a long road trip--it's an American Tradition and you will learn as much about yourself as the land along the way.
It is a wonderful thing to fly on an airplane -- don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Airports are amazing places to people watch and buy lots of ridiculous things and good (bad for you) food. And, once you get on the plane, you might get scared, but you shouldn't be--there is nothing cooler than seeing a new and exciting place from above as the plane descends.
6) Throw yourself into the holidays. I've always loved Christmas the most, but you may prefer Halloween or Easter of St Patrick's Day. It doesn't matter, just let yourself get into it. It is so much fun to plan and anticipate an upcoming event, and there is nothing better for that than a holiday.
7) It doesn't matter what your favorite holiday is, I've always felt a sense of wonder and excitement when I see houses decorated for Christmas and I hope you do, too. I hope you will love driving or walking around with me and your dad and seeing all of the beautiful lights on the dark night, the creative ways people try to make you smile and laugh, and the awesome nativities.
8) Learn how to be alone. This is a very difficult lesson for a lot of people to learn. But the reason it is important is you don't want to be one of those people who has to be entertained or considered entertaining at all times. Folks in that category are the most boring people in the world.
In general, if you are someone who can handle spending time on their own or even likes solitude, you will be happier in a multitude of situations. You will not have to call someone on your cell phone every time you are alone in a waiting room or an airport. You can enjoy long car rides without constant entertainment. You most likely will not drive people crazy by asking them their opinions on everything, because you will have your own, well-formed opinions on things and won't care as much about others' opinions on it.
Someone who spends quality time on their own knows their own likes and dislikes well enough to not waste a lot of time doing things or being around people they don't like. They have a good, heartfelt answer about their feelings on a topic because they have spent enough time alone to examine it. All in all, it's a good thing.
9) It's also good to know how to be yourself and be your best around people. Social graces are important, but they shouldn't be used to make other people feel bad, they should be used to make people comfortable. Hold the door open for the next person to walk through. Thank others when they do the same for you. If you are seated on a bus or a train and see someone less able or older than you standing, get up and offer them their seat. If a man offers you his seat, thank him and take it. If someone pays you a compliment, thank them- don't immediately discount what they complimented you on. It's also good to compliment others whenever you get the chance.
Respecting the opinions of others and knowing when to express your own and when it's best left under your hat is a good thing. Of course you should feel free to express your opinion amongst close friends and family, but don't let that get in the way of you hearing what other people have to say. When you are in the company of folks you don't know that well or aren't that close to, it's a good idea to stay away from some of the hot button issues; namely, politics, religion, and money. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches and be a lot happier if you avoid adding your two cents if these topics come up.
10) Animals are the most loving creatures and way better than the majority of people. I'm sure our pets will love you and you will love them and I hope you will learn the value of having a pet. It is such a pure loving relationship and they will keep you silly and happy.
11) Write thank you notes. This may seem like an old fart thing, but I've done it my whole life (admittedly, before I was 12, it was because my mom made me) and over the years I realized that it is something that can make you really happy--it is a good thing to express gratitude and it will keep you from taking people (and their gifts) for granted.
12) You will learn from all of the opportunities you are given if you go in with an open heart and open mind.
The most important thing we can do as parents is raise our baby girl to feel loved and happy--she has already brought so much happiness to our world and she hasn't even been born yet!
I'm lucky enough to have great family and friends who have made me feel so loved and happy everyday, and most definitely on my birthday. Thanks everyone!