Total Weight Loss/Gain: I think at this point I'm up about 11 pounds.
Size of Baby: A quick internet search found that at 26 weeks, most babies are as tall as an English hothouse cucumber and weighs about 1 2/3 pounds. (Length: 14 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes: Are the most comfortable. I've been taking a lot longer to get ready the last few days because most of the sweaters I own (in regular sizes) are too small. Luckily I have a loving husband who is honest with me and won't let me leave the house in something too small. Our sweet friends Lindsey & Troy bought me a very pretty maternity blouse for my birthday which I'm sporting today and loving!
Sleep: Is getting worse. I've been having some pretty vivid, terrible dreams and I usually wake up feeling achy. I think that comes with the territory, though.
Movement: Is frequent. At times it can be distracting. I love it so much, though!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: My mom made me a delicious chocolate pie w/ merengue for my birthday celebration this weekend. It was amazing and I'm still enjoying the rest of it.
Aversions: I'm really grossed out by anything too soggy. Consistency of food has always been big for me, but now, something even a tiny bit too soggy is grossing me out.
What I miss: Having better control of my emotions. I'm all over the place these days.
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Mood: I'm not going to lie. I'm a hot mess some days. I'm doing the best I can, though.
Milestones: Today, the very last day of my 26th year, is the beginning of my 26th week of pregnancy. I think that's pretty cool! Also, on Monday, we hit the double-digits on our countdown to the due date--as of today, we are officially 98 days away from our due date! It's hard to believe it's moving so fast, now!
Medical concerns: None that I know of.
Symptoms: Heartburn and round ligament pain.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about: We are still perfecting the paint in the nursery, but we're getting there. I'm feeling very lucky to have such a patient sweet husband.
What I look forward to: Several things -- my birthday tomorrow.
My appointment with Dr. O next week (yes, that's right, I'm the weirdo who likes going to the doctor).
My 11 day Christmas Vacation. I need at least 3 of those days to involve doing absolutely nothing.
And I'm looking forward to entering the new year--the year in which our daughter will be born. So exciting.

Size of Baby: A quick internet search found that at 26 weeks, most babies are as tall as an English hothouse cucumber and weighs about 1 2/3 pounds. (Length: 14 inches, head to heel.)
Maternity Clothes: Are the most comfortable. I've been taking a lot longer to get ready the last few days because most of the sweaters I own (in regular sizes) are too small. Luckily I have a loving husband who is honest with me and won't let me leave the house in something too small. Our sweet friends Lindsey & Troy bought me a very pretty maternity blouse for my birthday which I'm sporting today and loving!
Sleep: Is getting worse. I've been having some pretty vivid, terrible dreams and I usually wake up feeling achy. I think that comes with the territory, though.
Movement: Is frequent. At times it can be distracting. I love it so much, though!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: My mom made me a delicious chocolate pie w/ merengue for my birthday celebration this weekend. It was amazing and I'm still enjoying the rest of it.
Aversions: I'm really grossed out by anything too soggy. Consistency of food has always been big for me, but now, something even a tiny bit too soggy is grossing me out.
What I miss: Having better control of my emotions. I'm all over the place these days.
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Mood: I'm not going to lie. I'm a hot mess some days. I'm doing the best I can, though.
Milestones: Today, the very last day of my 26th year, is the beginning of my 26th week of pregnancy. I think that's pretty cool! Also, on Monday, we hit the double-digits on our countdown to the due date--as of today, we are officially 98 days away from our due date! It's hard to believe it's moving so fast, now!
Medical concerns: None that I know of.
Symptoms: Heartburn and round ligament pain.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about: We are still perfecting the paint in the nursery, but we're getting there. I'm feeling very lucky to have such a patient sweet husband.
What I look forward to: Several things -- my birthday tomorrow.
My appointment with Dr. O next week (yes, that's right, I'm the weirdo who likes going to the doctor).
My 11 day Christmas Vacation. I need at least 3 of those days to involve doing absolutely nothing.
And I'm looking forward to entering the new year--the year in which our daughter will be born. So exciting.
What a wise and beautiful girl you are - your daughter is very fortunate to have you and Corey for parents. And I don't care how old you are - you'll always be my baby :)