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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

27 weeks (and 1 day)

I decided to wait to post anything until I went to my appointment today since I would have more news to share.

Total Weight Loss/Gain: As of today's weigh in, I'm up 12 pounds. My doctor gave me permission to eat some extra cookies. I think I can do that!

Size of Baby: At 27 weeks, baby is the size of a head of cauliflower, weighing in at almost 2 pounds. (Length: about 14 1/2 inches.)
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I did wear regular jeans this weekend, which was kind of awesome, but I like wearing maternity clothes. The negative side is that I feel like I wear the same thing all the time. Oh, well.
Sleep: I have a lot of aches and pains in my hips, but overall, it's not bad.
Movement: Tons of movement. And now, baby gets the hiccups at least once a day. Poor baby! It feels really weird on this end, too.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: I don't feel like I've had any specific cravings lately. I'm enjoying some seasonal hot chocolate. I'm looking forward to Christmas cookies and Christmas ham. Yummy!
Aversions: None that I can think of.
What I miss: Feeling well-rested.
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Mood: All in all, pretty good.
Milestones: Some consider the 27th week to be the beginning of the third trimester, but I'm a believer that 28 weeks marks the real beginning of the real third trimester. So I guess, none to speak of.
But I did take my glucose test, which tests for gestational diabetes today--won't get the results until later. I also got my rogam shot, which has something to do with my blood being O Negative and Corey's being A Positive and RH negative--I don't know. Can you tell I work with medical jargon all day? Me neither!
Also, from now on, our appointments are going to be closer together. We have another appointment 3 weeks from now (at 30 weeks), and then we go to one appointment every two weeks (at 32, 34, and 36 weeks) and then, I will go to an appointment every week. Eventually, towards the end, she has people come in every other day.
It's just amazing to me how quickly everything is flying by!
Medical concerns: None that I know of. I talked with Dr. O about all of the symptoms I have and asked her lots of questions. It always makes me feel better to talk with her and I feel like everything is going great so far!
Symptoms: Heartburn. Hip and pelvic pain.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about: Our appointment went really, really, well today. I love our doctor. We asked her about whether or not we will be seeing other doctors in the practice and she said that they don't do that for several reasons, but most imporantly because she will do everything she can to be there for our delivery. If she can't be, she went on and on about how wonderful the other doctors are and how they have all even worked on each other (i.e., one of the doctors in the practice performed surgery on her, another doctor in the practice delivered one of the other doctor's babies, etc). I feel confident about the care we are getting there.
She said that my blood pressure looked great, my fundal height (the measurement from the pelvic bone to the top of the uterus) is 27 centimeters, which is exactly where the want it to be at 27 weeks (1 cm=1 week). Baby's heartbeat was 160 bpm.
She also told us that if I measured small or large on a given week, they would do an ultrasound. Otherwise, they would probably come up with a reason to do another ultrasound at 36 weeks.
One thing I'm nervous about that makes me want to do a 3/4D ultrasound a little bit sooner? One of the girls on my bump message board, who had her anatomy scan at 20 weeks and was told she was having a girl, went in for her 3D ultrasound this week and they told her it was a boy. Now I had them confirm the girl at 25 weeks at another location, but that was with the 2D ultrasound. I think this is a good enough reason to get an elective ultrasound at one of those 3D places.
Switching topics, I'm getting really, really excited about the nursery. Lot's of work has been done over the last week (in fact, right now Corey and Cam are working on things there) and it is really coming together. I can't wait to see how things look when I get home!
Also, we have a real guestroom--with a bed and furniture set up. We have clean carpets in all the bedrooms. I'm a happy girl. I definitely have to do some organizing--having everything consolidated to the other rooms that weren't being worked on did not work well for me. But I will have time to work on that.
We've made some really fun purchases, too! My mom and I went to a really nice second-hand store where I got  a couple of really cute picture frames for the nursery. Corey and I picked out and beautiful (and really affordable) lighting fixture which I managed to get for 20% off. It's a little bit ridiculous, but it's a little girls room and I think it will bring some class. We also got the mattress for our baby girl's bed. I love buying these things for her and picturing her surrounded by all of her things in her room. It won't be long, now!
What I look forward to: Tomorrow is my last day of work before my Christmas vacation. I'm so excited to have 11 days off and just relax a little bit.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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