Size of Baby: Our little baby eggplant. She is anywhere from 13.6 to 14.8 inches in length and 1.5 to 2.2 lbs. So exciting!
Maternity Clothes: Are getting used all of the time now except bedtime. And now I'm starting to wish I had some pregnancy sweatpants. And more warm maternity clothes-but I don't want to spend a bunch on clothes I'm going to wear for such a short time - it very rarely gets cold here, and if experience has taught me anything--with close to 27 years as a central Texan under my belt--I can predict it will probably be back in the 60s or the 70s (or even 80s) by the end of December.
Sleep: Is pretty good. Every once in a while I will have a night where I just can't sleep. And I'm getting more uncomfortable at night.
Movement: I think she has been moving her whole body around in there, not just her limbs. Occasionally I will get this feeling that the bottom of my stomach is dropping out and then this creepy feeling of something sliding around in my stomach and I think she is repositioning herself. Also, as we speak, it feels like she is punching me in the gut. She is such a sweet girl lol.
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: I have been craving queso a lot. And chicken and dumplings (which I'm going to make tomorrow night in case you were wondering :)
Aversions: I feel like I'm eating everything in sight. So, no aversions right now.
What I miss: Being able to get up off my couch or any other seat I sink into without extra effort. I have a feeling this is only going to get worse lol.
Gender: A sweet baby girl!
Moods: Pretty good. I'm trying to enjoy life and all of the little steps along the way. Trying not to get so upset by small stuff. I succeed about 80% of the time, but occasionally I get annoyed by silly little things and I feel like I have a shorter temper.
Moods: Pretty good. I'm trying to enjoy life and all of the little steps along the way. Trying not to get so upset by small stuff. I succeed about 80% of the time, but occasionally I get annoyed by silly little things and I feel like I have a shorter temper.
Milestones: 25 weeks! Only 15 to go! Holy moly! I have gotten a few smiles from people out and about over the last few days while I've been Christmas shopping, and I'm pretty sure they realize I'm pregnant. On the other hand, I was sitting right in front of someone today who didn't realize I was pregnant. Go figure.
Medical concerns: Feeling blessed to be feeling great!
Anything else you'd like to share or vent about? I'm feeling pretty good about getting so many things done. We've accomplished a lot over the last couple of weeks, but I'm feeling like this is going to be how things are from now on - there are just so many things to do before our baby girl gets here. So I'm trying to get used to being busy all of the time when all I want to do is come home and lay around in front of the fire. I now do that for about 30 minutes and then try and knock out a few things on my to do list.
What I look forward to: I'm really looking forward to having the baby. After our hospital tour I'm not feeling so much anxiety at the thought of labor and delivery. I also feel like I've been seeing so many cute babies out and about lately. I just can't wait to have our little girl out and spend time with her. Of course, this is a very special time, and I'm trying to enjoy this and be patient. And of course I don't want her to come early, but I'm looking forward to her arrival in March!
Here is a picture taken in front of our Christmas Tree at 25 weeks, 2 days!
Here is a picture taken in front of our Christmas Tree at 25 weeks, 2 days!
Have a great week!
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