Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm pretty sure I've gained around 17 pounds. I will know for sure tomorrow.
Size of Baby: On average, babies weigh as much as a jicama at 32 weeks.
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Sleep: Not great. Between lots of stress and allergies and hip/back pain, I'm not getting a lot of sleep.
Movement: It feels much lower down now. She gets the hiccups ALL the time. In general, I typically am feeling less hard kicks--most of the time I'm mainly feeling like she is tumbling-several smaller movements in a row; or it feels like a fluttering. I think she just has less room to move around.
Cravings: Girl Scout cookies. I'm eating a lot of them. They are delicious.
What I miss: I'm not a big drinker, but after the last couple of weeks, I could really use a margarita. Not much longer to wait!
Gender: Baby Girl Gracie :)
Mood: All things considered, I would say that my mood is pretty good. I have good days and bad days.
Milestones: We've now had our childbirth/infant care class, a breastfeeding class, and our first freak out/unnecessary trip to Labor and Delivery. It's been busy.
Medical concerns: See my last post. I'm still concerned about the amniotic fluid being low/our baby possibly being on the small side, but overall, I'm feeling much more calm about everything.
Symptoms: It's crazy how much the 3rd trimester is reminding me of the first trimester. I'm SO tired. I'm pretty weepy sometimes. I have actually been dealing with a little bit of nausea. I just feel really sloshy most of the time, and like there is not enough room in my stomach for any food even though I'm really hungry. I keep eating, though. My heartburn and my constant peeing have gotten better, though--I'm hoping this means that baby may have changed positions!
What I look forward to: I'm looking forward/nervous about my ultrasound/dr's appt tomorrow. I'm also really excited for my shower this weekend! I feel very grateful for my wonderful sister and friends.

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