Total Weight Loss/Gain: I honestly have no idea. I think maybe I'm still sitting around 15 pounds gained.
Size of Baby: Baby is now the size of a head of cabbage. Babies on average are about 15.7 inches long and weigh almost 3 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Sleep: Lots of weird dreams. I have really bad allergies right now, so I've taken benadryl for a few nights, which my OB says is fine, and helps with sleeping better. It does tend to make me a little bit loopy/out of it, so it's probably pretty funny to watch me get up to go the bathroom during the night, but I haven't fallen over or anything.
Movement: She moves a lot. She also gets the hiccups quite a bit.
Cravings: Pickles. Yes, I am officially a cliche. I also was thinking about how I'm a cliche, and thought about pickles and ice cream, and I can say that it honestly doesn't sound like the grossest thing I could eat. Apparently, I've entered the delusional part of pregnancy.
What I miss: I wish people wouldn't feel so comfortable commenting on the size of my bump. It's amazing--you go your whole life and no one feels the need to comment on your size--at least to your face. Now, it's everyone's business.
Apparently, according to some people I've got a small bump for this point in pregnancy. I'm not surprised, considering I've gained less than average for 30 weeks. But I think I just carry differently than a lot of women do--I have a fairly long torso. Anyway, I would be lying if I said the comments from people don't hurt my feelings. The number of people who have said things like "Are you sure you have a baby in there?" And strangers who have said "I didn't even know you were pregnant!" are grating my nerves. I'm doing my best, and it just hurts to have people constantly question you on your abilities to "grow a good healthy baby." I know that I would probably be getting the opposite comments if I was bigger and that would probably upset me, too, but I honestly don't know why people can't just keep their opinions to themselves.
My doctor, who is awesome, apparently knows her stuff on this whole pregnant lady thing, because when I came in at about 10 weeks pregnant, she called it-she told me I would be like her and probably wouldn't show a lot until the very end of pregnancy. She has also measured my fundal height along the way, and everything is measuring normal. My baby is growing in there.
I'm honestly dreading our class that we have this weekend on childbirth and infant care because I'm afraid of what people will say about my size and what my reaction will be.
Gender: Grace
Sleep: Lots of weird dreams. I have really bad allergies right now, so I've taken benadryl for a few nights, which my OB says is fine, and helps with sleeping better. It does tend to make me a little bit loopy/out of it, so it's probably pretty funny to watch me get up to go the bathroom during the night, but I haven't fallen over or anything.
Movement: She moves a lot. She also gets the hiccups quite a bit.
Cravings: Pickles. Yes, I am officially a cliche. I also was thinking about how I'm a cliche, and thought about pickles and ice cream, and I can say that it honestly doesn't sound like the grossest thing I could eat. Apparently, I've entered the delusional part of pregnancy.
What I miss: I wish people wouldn't feel so comfortable commenting on the size of my bump. It's amazing--you go your whole life and no one feels the need to comment on your size--at least to your face. Now, it's everyone's business.
Apparently, according to some people I've got a small bump for this point in pregnancy. I'm not surprised, considering I've gained less than average for 30 weeks. But I think I just carry differently than a lot of women do--I have a fairly long torso. Anyway, I would be lying if I said the comments from people don't hurt my feelings. The number of people who have said things like "Are you sure you have a baby in there?" And strangers who have said "I didn't even know you were pregnant!" are grating my nerves. I'm doing my best, and it just hurts to have people constantly question you on your abilities to "grow a good healthy baby." I know that I would probably be getting the opposite comments if I was bigger and that would probably upset me, too, but I honestly don't know why people can't just keep their opinions to themselves.
My doctor, who is awesome, apparently knows her stuff on this whole pregnant lady thing, because when I came in at about 10 weeks pregnant, she called it-she told me I would be like her and probably wouldn't show a lot until the very end of pregnancy. She has also measured my fundal height along the way, and everything is measuring normal. My baby is growing in there.
I'm honestly dreading our class that we have this weekend on childbirth and infant care because I'm afraid of what people will say about my size and what my reaction will be.
Gender: Grace
Mood: In the interest of being honest, I will admit that I'm not in the greatest mood lately. I'm excited for Gracie to get here, but I just wish life and random people would be a little bit nicer to me in the meantime. I'm hoping to cheer up.
Milestones: It's pretty crazy to think that after our long journey, we only have 10 weeks to go. 70 days.
Medical concerns: None that I know of.
Symptoms: I've been feeling much more fatigued lately.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about: We got our beautiful glider chair and ottoman! The room is really coming together, which is exciting. I hope to post pictures of that and some new bump pictures, soon!
Milestones: It's pretty crazy to think that after our long journey, we only have 10 weeks to go. 70 days.
Medical concerns: None that I know of.
Symptoms: I've been feeling much more fatigued lately.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about: We got our beautiful glider chair and ottoman! The room is really coming together, which is exciting. I hope to post pictures of that and some new bump pictures, soon!
What I look forward to: I'm looking forward to my baby shower on January 28th! My sister and my two best friends are throwing it for me, and I'm really excited to get to see everyone who can come and celebrate Gracie with them!

You may be getting tired of all my comments, but since I just went through a lot of this I feel compelled to comment. Feel free to ignore anything I say :)
ReplyDeleteI wish I could copy and paste a FB conversation from a girl at my church. She posted about someone commenting on her tiny size as well, and then lots of others commented with things people have said to them. For some reason people find it ok to discuss the way a woman looks when pregnant - even women who have been there before and should know better than to comment, but for some reason forget.
I had the opposite problem and was told multiple times I was huge, asked if I was sure I was only having one, and was told by a friend's husband that his wife wasn't as big as I was at how ever many weeks I was at the time. Also, a lot of my friends that have also had girls, I think they've been ones that have shown later as well - maybe it has something to do with girl babies.
It's hard to do, but you have to take what other people say with a grain of salt, and just know that you are doing what is best for the baby and enjoy being pregnant. Being pregnant is a gift, so don't let others take that joy from you by their silly comments.
I think you have looked like a beautiful pregnant lady in all of the pics you have posted and I'm sure you're glowing in person :) Miss Gracie is one blessed little girl to have you as her momma.
Ps. Just read this http://johnson-junk-drawer.blogspot.com/2012/01/thoughts-from-this-pregnant-girl.html and thought I'd share.
ReplyDeletePps. Seriously, it's ok if you want to block me ;) I'm not trying to take over the comment section of your blog, but I can't seem to keep myself from commenting :)
Thank you so much Carissa! It really helps to hear from another Mama! I think people just feel like they have to say something and I wish they wouldn't sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThat blog entry cracked me up :)