Total Weight Loss/Gain: This morning, I weighed myself for the first time in a week. I believe I've now gained about 15 pounds!
Size of Baby: Baby is now the size of a squash! At 29 weeks, she should be around 2 1/2 pounds and 15 inches long.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I got some new ones for Christmas. They are very comfy!
Sleep: Not good lately. Lots of getting up at night to pee and normal pains associated with pregnancy getting in the way of uninterrupted sleep. I can assure you that I'm very sleepy, though--slowly but surely, that fatigued feeling from the 1st Trimester is returning and I'm pretty sure I will be taking a nap when I get home today.
Movement: A lot of movement. I think baby has been completely changing positions at times. Corey saw her move this weekend, which was pretty cool. He also felt some really big kicks from her! I've noticed more discomfort related to her kicking my various organs. She is getting strong!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Just in general, I crave sweets much more than I normally do while pregnant. And since I officially got the word that I passed my glucose test, I've been allowing myself to enjoy it. But I'm doing my best to balance it out with healthier stuff and with some less sugary foods.
I had my first real craving for a drink over the last week-I love champagne and I missed it at New Year's. It's nothing I can't live without, though!
Aversions: None that I can think of.
What I miss: Sleeping well.
Gender: Gracie Girl!
Mood: All in all, pretty good.
Gender: Gracie Girl!
Mood: All in all, pretty good.
Milestones: I hit the third trimester last week! I was taking a break from blogging last week, though, so I'm mentioning it now. Pretty amazing to think that we only have 11 weeks to her due date. We are 77 days away. I have 11 weeks of work left. (Can you tell I'm counting them down? I might have the countdown on my desk calendar).
Medical concerns: Nothing that I know of.
Symptoms: Heartburn. Hip and pelvic pain. Fatigue.
Anything else you would like to share/vent about:
What I look forward to: As I mentioned earlier, I'm looking forward to maternity leave. As of the end of the work day today, I will have 52 working days before I'm off. It's always hard coming back after a vacation, especially after such a nice long one, so at this point, I'm also looking forward to a 3 day weekend for MLK day in a couple of weeks.
What I look forward to: As I mentioned earlier, I'm looking forward to maternity leave. As of the end of the work day today, I will have 52 working days before I'm off. It's always hard coming back after a vacation, especially after such a nice long one, so at this point, I'm also looking forward to a 3 day weekend for MLK day in a couple of weeks.
Happy 2012 everyone!
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